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Welcome to CHARISMA Test

CHARISMA Test is based on the idea that thousands of couples get married every day. However, few couples have a clear idea of what it takes to make a marriage work. Marital satisfaction, the goal of marriage, is a subjective score that only an individual partner can evaluate. It is a personal measure of one’s happiness with the relationship.


CHARISMA Research - Journal of Counseling and Development

References to referreed articles on CHARISMA

Research on Marital Satisfaction

The study of marital satisfaction has a long and well-documented history but the consistently high divorce rates illustrate that still too little is known about ways to achieve and maintain a sufficient level of marital satisfaction to assure marital success

A Word to Couples...

There is no doubt that marriage is a very hard test. Achieving marital satisfaction is hard work and it is diplomatic work. Both spouses must be willing to take responsibility for the marriage, and be willing to work hard at changing

The Characteristics of Marriage Inventory... CHARISMA at a Glance

CHARISMA, the Characteristics of Marriage Inventory, was developed to assess both the importance of marital characteristics to married individuals and their satisfaction with those characteristics in their marriages

What is Marital Satisfaction?

The CHARISMA research was designed to investigate marital satisfaction. In particular, the goal of this research was to learn whether there are specific pathways which lead to marital satisfaction. Good idea… but what’s the definition of marital satisfaction?

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